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Photo Album



These are some images from my travels and are presented here as an experiment.  Please respect the copyright.

Early images are sized to 700x525 and later ones to 800x600.  

All the JPEGs run between 100KB and 500KB.  There is one problem with this:

1.      the images are served via an ADSL link which is limited to approximately 500KB up.

Early images (before 2004) were scanned using a Minolta Dimage Scan Dual slide and transparency scanner.  This is a nice toy but it lacks the dynamic range necessary to deal with the bulk of my photography and will be replaced before I mine my 5000+ slides.  Some of the later images were scanned with Hamrick's VueScan software rather than the Minolta Twain stuff.

All post 2005 images were all done with the Pentax digitals and the software denoted below.  As you probably have discovered there are large numbers of images post 2005; actually I took many 100s more.  This presents a huge problem and that is digital darkroom tedium.  An article I read, recently, on a National Geographic photographer stated that the NG photographic philosophy was "get-it-right-when-you're-shooting" -- I tried to do this when taking these images.  The images I've included here have "almost" no digital darkroom tweaks save rotation and cropping.

Digital cameras include a Fuji S7000, a Pentax *istDS, and finally a Pentax K10D; I really like the Pentax (size, ergonomics, interchangeable lenses and actually being able to see the REAL image in the view finder).  I now use large SDHC cards for travel and as a digital wallet. I used to use RSE (RawShooter Essentials) to sort and process the "raw" images (this was a great tool with a very good workflow paradigm and processing algorithms) and it has been replaced with LightRoom (more capable but more difficult), IrfanView to generate the thumbs and HTML. I used to use ImageMagick to resize, sharpen and watermark the images, and PWP (Picture Window Pro) to tweak but almost everything is now done in LightRoom.

As to the photographer's eye, Dr. Lyn would say "look behind you".

If you have comments send them to hrae@telus.net