Slide Show Help

How to View an AUTOMATED Slide Show

Slide shows are meant to be viewed using a web browser such as IE, Firefox, Chrome and Opera. An automatic slide show consists of a single HTML file that contains the JScript to advance through the images using a 5 second timer. Note that I test with Chrome, IE, Opera and Firefox. To start this kind of slide show, simply click on the projector Launch Slideshow icon on the thumbnail pages or the web site start page (on the far right of the countries that have slide shows).

The Index or Thumbnail Page (for browsing individual images)

The index or thumbnail page displays the name of the slide show and thumbnails of all the images in the slide show. Click on the "location name" link on the left side. To go directly to one of the slides, simply click on its thumbnail. There is an additional button to take you to the table of contents so you can select another slide show.

Slide Pages

Slide pages display individual images with optional captions and descriptive information. At the top of the page is a navigation bar with buttons to let you advance to the previous, next, or back to the thumbnail page. Clicking the question mark takes you to this help page.

Slide Show Viewing Tips:

To view slides full screen when using most browsers, press the F11 key. This will temporarily hide some of the tool bars at the top of the screen and leave more room for images. To restore the tool bars, press F11 a second time.


When you are done viewing a slide show, simply close the browser window.