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Travel (photography) is GOOD

Have a look, there are slideshows (javascript required) as well as pick & view photography from our travels.

Places and dates you can view include:

  Europe 2016 (Paris -> the Cap, the N/E Paradores, Sardegna, Elba, Tuscany, 5 Terra,
               Lago Maggiore, the Riviera)                                                 Launch Slideshow
  Europe 2013 (Transatlantic Cruise on DCL - Galveston -> Barcelona, and then
               Drive Southern Europe - Barcelona -> Croatia, Slovenia, Italy, Montreux)    Launch Slideshow
  Mexico 2013 (Puerto Vallarta using my Cellphone Camera)                                  Launch Slideshow
  Europe 2006 (Venice, Vienna, Paris)                                                      Launch Slideshow
  Europe 2008 (Geneva, Italy, Corsica, Provence)                                           Launch Slideshow
  Italy 2005 (the south, Rome to toe, heel and spur, and back through Tuscany)             Launch Slideshow
  Southwest US 2006                                                                        Launch Slideshow
  Greece 1987, 1991, 1992, 1995 and 2000                                                   Launch Slideshow
  British Columbia 2002 and 2004                                                           Launch Slideshow
  More British Columbia 2005, 2007, 2009                                                   Launch Slideshow
  France 1999
  Italy 1994 and 1998 (the south and Sicily, the north)
  Turkey 1995
  Malta 1997
  Tunisia 1997
  Japan circa 1990
  London 2000
  Mexico 2001 and 2004
  Portugal 1988
  Jordan 2000
  Israel 2000
  Morocco 2001

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